Architect Hack #001

If in doubt, get the roll of tracing paper out.

There’s a reason why many still use pen and paper opposed to computer generated models to work through issues. Again, probably one of the few reasons why an architect firm can never truly be a paperless office…

This isn’t new, Architects, Designers, Artists, you name it – will always reach for the pen and paper to doodle on for inspiration or just to stop the infernal internal ramblings of an opinion stricken mind.

“Would this space work?”,

“Would this be value engineered down to a horrific mess?”,

“Which design would I want to occupy?”

“If I moved… that… there… Oh no, I’ve ruined it. CTL + Z! CTL + Z!”

“God, what am I doing?!”

“Coffee. Get Coffee. Then sketch.”

This is normally my inner monologue. There has been a lot of “bad press” surrounding sketching recently, primarily due to the rise in technological advances – i.e. Ipad Pro, VR, etc. However, sketching is not a dying artform neither is it dead. If you were in a meeting, and the client wanted to “tweek” an idea, sharpen that pencil compadre… lets sketch it out.

There is an architectural comic strip by leewardists and I think it sums up most aspects of an architects life pretty accurately….

… Sometimes the pen is mightier than the mouse…

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